O C T O B E R 1990 P R O D U C T T R A I N I N G M A T E R I A L S
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This TeachText note covers overall issues for this October 1990 Product Training CD-ROM. The new product stacks on this disc was created prior to the release date for HyperCard 2.0; some of the features may exhibit minor system/HyperCard 2.0 compatability problems. If this happens, quit from HyperCard 2.0 and access the stack again..
Be sure to read other READ ME files located elsewhere in this training materials folder.
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There are three versions of each of the new product training stacks on this disc: COLOR, BW and MINIMUM.
The versions labled with the suffix "COLOR" may be used with any Macintosh which has at least 2.5 MB of RAM and a color monitor capable of displaying 640 x 480 pixels.
If you have a Macintosh Classic, Plus, SE or SE/30, a Macintosh II with less than 2.5 MB RAM, a monochrome monitor, or a color monitor which displays less than 640 x 480 pixels, please be sure to use the stacks with the suffix "BW".
Although 2 MB is recommended to run the BW stack versions, they will operate in a Macintosh with as little as 1MB RAM but only if the System file contains the minimum font set and the System Folder contains only the standard set of Control Panel Deviced (CDEVs: ie; Mouse, Monitors, Key Caps, etc.). Animations will not function in 1MB systems.
For those persons who need access to the information contained in these stacks, but do not have direct access to a CD-ROM player, a folder named MINIMUM STACKS contains versions of the product stacks which may be copied onto floppy disks. Each stack will fit on an 800K floppy.
Please read the READ ME -- MINIMUM STACKS before copying or using the minimum stacks.
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An ARCHIVES folder appears on the desktop. This folder contains the HyperCard stacks for many of the Apple CPU and peripheral products released since 1988. Most of these stacks have been converted to run under HyperCard 2.0.
Within the ARCHIVES folder is an additional folder named OTHER ARCHIVES. The stacks within this folder are not converted to 2.0 and should currently be run only using HyperCard 1.2.5.
Please read the READ ME -- SCANNER STACKS file before using these stacks.
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This disc contains product PICT files in both 32-bit color and 8-bit grayscale. These are located in the PRODUCT SCANS folder. Also in this folder is the PICT VIEWER application. Each of the scans have been adapted so that they automatically open PICT VIEWER.
If you are using the 32-bit color scans, you must copy the file located in the folder, COPY CONTENTS TO SYSTEM FOLDER. This is the 32-BIT QUICKDRAW file necessary to view color PICTS. If you have a Macintosh with built-in 32-bit Quickdraw support (such as the Macintosh IIci and Macintosh IIfx) you do not need to copy this file.
The scans may be used as part of a demonstration, as part of your learning experience, or to gain a better understanding of the components of the October 1990 products.
Please read the READ ME -- PRODUCT SCANS file before using the product scans.